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Tenuta la Pineta at Decanter World Wine Awards

This year, for the first time, we decided to submit the wines of Tenuta la Pineta to the Decanter World Wine Awards. Many experts believe that the DWWA is the most prestigious wine competition of all, known both for its extensive media coverage and for the rigorous selectivity of its jury. To exemplify how strict they are, suffice it to say that the awarding of the silver medal requires a minimum score of 90/100, much higher than that with which many other competitions assign this medal.

Having reached fifteen harvests under our belt, we believed that the time was ripe to present ourselves on this important stage. Thus, we decided to send three wines: the Chianti DOCG “Sasso Bisciaio” 2021, the Chianti Superiore “Il Guido” 2020 and our Canaiolo IGT Toscana 2021.

Our Decanter World Wine Awards 2024 Results

The results positively surprised us, with our labels “returning” from London with two bronze and one silver medals. A beautiful debut for Tenuta la Pineta at Decanter World Wine Awards.

Il Guido, our slightly more “international” Chianti Superiore, obtained the “Bronze” recognition with the judges’ tasting notes praising the richness and spiciness of the wine, as well as the length of the taste.

The Chianti Sasso Bisciaio earned the same recognition, motivated by its tasting notes citing the tertiary characteristics and complexity, factors that are uncommon in a Chianti Annata.

Lastly, the IGT Toscana Canaiolo obtained the Silver award, a truly excellent result for a rare pure native grape, difficult to work with and undoubtedly little-known to the average palate of the Anglo-American taster. In the case of Canaiolo, the tasting notes highlight the complexity of the aromas, the notable power and, interestingly, the “multi-layered” character of the taste, especially in terms of fruitiness.

Canaiolo’s Long Way

We are really proud of our Canaiolo, which in the last two years has experienced a real ascending parable of recognition and success. In recent months we have also reported on its crowning at Gambero Rosso Bere Bene, in the Italian Touring Club’s Guida Vini Buoni d’Italia and in other national and international publications and competitions.

These successes fill us with joy because we know the sacrifice and experience that lie behind them. The quality of a wine, especially a niche native grape that has always been devoted to blending rather than pure vinification, is made in the vineyard. Our 100% Canaiolo has improved a lot over the years thanks to our work in the field to reduce the yield per hectare, as well as improve details on the timing and management of the harvest. A meticulous effort that builds on our adamant choice to release Canaiolo only in the most suitable vintages, to guarantee a high quality of the bottle to all wine enthusiasts and tasters who decide to pick this label.

The 2021 vintage was also fortunate to be able to express itself at levels above the norm, with a concentration and power that are truly rare for a Canaiolo, as also recognized by the Decanter tasting panel. A special wine produced in a limited edition, with a total of just 1500 bottles.

Thanks to all those who have already chosen it and to those who will continue to be amazed by the unpredictable freshness and intensity of this rare native grape, with deep Tuscan roots.